curly hair brush - ugly swan



So you have curly hair and you rarely run a brush through it as in the past all this has done is create frizz and make your curls more difficult to manage. So when someone suggests you try a brush, of course, you are very skeptical.

We all know that brushing is suppose to reduce tangles and knots but did you know that using the right brush stimulates the capillaries of the scalp, increasing blood circulation and the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles? By stimulating these glands while brushing, your scalp distributes sebum. Brushing brings this natural oil from the base of the hair along the shaft, making hair stronger, more resilient, less dry, smoother, and shinier.

So then what is the right brush that can make all this magic happen? Well, the standard plastic bristle brush, a comb, or even your fingers, will not enable the natural oils to be distributed through your hair to produce that soft shiny conditioned feel we all love so much.

Instead, a natural and nylon bristle provides the perfect blend of bristles to create this wonderful natural ability to take care of our hair, even with thick curly hair!. The natural bristles help to regulate your scalp and move the oils through your hair and the nylon bristles cut through the tangles with ease and no pain. 

Being born with naturally thin hair and ringlets had its challenges as a youngster and brushing was rarely a pleasant experience as my hair would become tangled very quickly. However, as I progressed into adulthood and my hair grew thicker, I never imagined that continued brushing with a normal brush would become even harder and more painful, and using a comb just made things worse as it pulled and tugged at the tangles.

Whilst an old brush made of horsehair bristles my mum had stowed away in her draw provided me with some relief, I had to brush my hair for about half an hour to get the same results. Now with the Ugly Swan Scream-Free brush, brushing has been a dream no matter if my hair is long, thick, curly, or straight. This brush of both nylon and natural bristles can handle it all.  

scream-free curly hair brush - ugly swan


So having curly hair doesn’t need to be painful anymore and the brush can be used seamlessly on both wet and dry hair. For best results, tight curls are best brushed when hair is wet and for looser curls, I tend to brush prior to washing then use my fingers to dry off. If you brush your hair dry it will soften the curl without the frizz and who doesn’t love that idea? Brushing the way that works best for the individual is usually key for thick curly hair so try the brush a few different ways. I guarantee there will be no more frizz or screaming, just soft smooth silky hair... plus the bonus of a nice head massage. 

 Love, Sonya Horrocks


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